Who manimal?

Patrick Ehrenberger
Married, 2 children
Sports Physiotherapist BSc,
Therapist for Clinical Psycho Neuro Immunology (cPNI),
Exercise has always been a big part of my life. I have tried a number of sports with varying degrees of success, but handball was the sport I put all my passion into. Although I was spared any serious injuries myself, I have witnessed many of my teammates' injuries first hand.
From an early age, I was very interested in the rehabilitation process and the accompanying physiotherapy. After completing my physiotherapy studies, this enthusiasm was fully ignited and so I deepened my knowledge with podiatry and sports physiotherapy. By looking after the Austrian national handball team, I gained a deep insight into the world of top-class sport.
But nothing has given me such a deep understanding of the human body as the training to become a kPNI therapist. The scientific approach coupled with a very practical teaching of the content has had a big impact on me and my work in recent years.The kPNI has become a kind of philosophy of life for me and encourages me to learn more and more about the human body and to share my knowledge with other people.

Manuel Bohn
27 April 1985
Married, 2 children
Instructor Biomechanics (n Sohier)
Fighting Monkey Instructor/Collaborator
My ambitions in handball and a number of injuries led me to physiotherapy. Climbing, travelling, connecting with nature, gardening, music, surfing and my family helped me to open my heart.
Mentors in physiotherapy, podiatry, survival, Sohier and Fighting Monkey have accompanied me to grow, question and understand.
Children, other people and nature have helped me to understand healing and medicine, health and life energy as a connection between science and creativity - through playing and laughing in the dance of life.
Curiosity, joy of life and fascination for life itself are what drives me. Questioning what is taken for granted, discovering patterns, reading traces and learning to learn in order to promote life energy.
I want to share my love for life with people!
15 min